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Offer Coupons For Your Event

Adding coupons to your event is a great way to give client discounts and encourage more purchases for your event. Coupons can be customized to only be available for a certain number of uses and can offer either a percentage or a specific amount of money as a discount. They are able to be assigned to any kind of ticket type and can add a lot of value to interested people who are considering buying a ticket to your event.

Check-In Password System

The Check-in Password system is a great tool if you have a big event and need the help of several people to scan many people in at the same time. This tool lets the site owner set assistants who can use the website to scan in many tickets at a time, like when people are gathering for a stage or sporting event. This is essential as a tool for getting people registered for large events on a timely basis and is why we included it with our versatile events system!

Custom Registration Form

Adding a registration form is what you need to do if you want people to sign up for your event on your website. The registration form is completely customizable, letting you collect any kind of data you want from your clients! The form is based on our extremely versatile custom form builder, letting users design it differently based on each individual event so you can get exactly what you need from your users.

Manage Events, Orders, and Tickets

Keeping the status of your event orders updated is important for your business and any event you run. With many different types of tickets available and orders possible, events can have orders shift between many conditions, so being able to readily update and manage those orders is critical. Our event management tool lets you change order and ticket status easily in the creation and preparation for your upcoming event!



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SITE123は、間違いなく私が出会った中で最も簡単で使いやすいウェブサイト制作ツールです。サポートチャットのスタッフは非常にプロフェッショナルで、印象的なウェブサイトを作成するプロセスを信じられないほど簡単にしてくれます。彼らの専門知識とサポートは本当に素晴らしいものです。SITE123を見つけた瞬間、他の選択肢を探すのをやめました - それほど優れているのです。直感的なプラットフォームと一流のサポートの組み合わせにより、SITE123は競合他社から際立っています。
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今日だけで US 上では 2130 以上のウェブサイトが、SITE123を使用して作成されました!